Chief of Police
Police Department

James DeCoux
The Daingerfield- Lonestar ISD Police Department pledges to protect and serve the students, staff, and visitors within our jurisdiction.
The Daingerfield-Lone Star Independent School District Police Department provides the Tiger Experience. While supporting the District's mission by developing and maintaining a collaborative partnership with other agencies helping to produce graduates who are fully enabled to successfully engage as responsible and contributing members of our rapidly changing society.
How we serve you:
Assisting campus administrators in providing safe and secure campuses. Enforcing all laws, including: Board Rules & Regulations, municipal ordinances, county ordinances, and state laws within the territorial boundaries of the District, when it affects the safety and welfare of the students, employees and/or District property.
Maintain direction and control of the School Guardian Program.
Enforcing school zone traffic laws, when reduced school zone speed limits are in effect.
Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD police officers have the primary responsibility for law enforcement on all property owned or leased by the District.
Emergency operation drills to practice our response to a variety of scenarios including fire, lockout, lockdown, evacuate, hold, and shelter.
Visitor registry requiring all visitors to register with the front office before having access to campuses. Visitors badges must always be worn and prominently displayed.
Controlled access entry at all campuses with physical barriers that prevent entrance to the school building without authorization.
Hand Wand Metal detectors that campus administrators use to randomly conduct searches of students.
Random searches using detection dogs to sniff out prohibited items on school grounds. Students found in possession of prohibited items will receive the appropriate discipline and consequences as outlined by local laws and in our DLSISD Code of Conduct.
Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD Police Department
202 Tiger Drive Daingerfield, TX 75638