The Daingerfield Tigers Golf Team will travel to Longview today to compete in the Alpine GC tournament, hosted by New Diana.

The Junior High Girls Track team will travel to Gladewater today to compete in the district track meet.

Softball game for today vs Gladewater has been rescheduled for Saturday March 25th at noon.

The varsity and junior varsity Tigers Baseball game has been canceled today due to weather conditions. The Varsity Tigers Baseball team will play tomorrow at 2:00 in Whiteoak.

The Daingerfield Tigers boy's team will compete in the Powerlifting State Meet today.

The Daingerfield Tigers Track and Field team will travel to Tatum today to compete in the Tatum Relays.

Daingerfield Highschool students will begin SAT testing this Wednesday, March 22nd.

The Daingerfield UIL team will travel to compete at the Sabine UIL tournament on Wednesday, March 22.

The Tigers Tennis team will head to Pleasant Grove today to compete in their last tournament of the season.

The Lady Tigers Softball team will faceoff against the Sabine Cardinals at home tonight, starting at 6pm.